How Can I Pray For You?

While reading Tweets and blogs each day I come upon a lot of hurting people. When my friends hurt, I hurt. People all around us carry burdens and secret hurt. Most feel totally alone and can see no way through their pain. I feel a burden to help them. I feel a burden to tell them what Jesus can do for them. This is Easter weekend. I would like to offer my prayers to anyone who has a need. It may be for you. It may be for a family member who is hurting. It may be for a friend who is hurting. Please leave me a comment and tell me how I can pray for you right now. You may be carrying a heavy burden for someone who needs the peace of Christ in their life and you are hoping that this Easter they will find that. You may be wandering lost and searching for peace. Jesus hears us and answers us. He sacrificed immensely for us.

I want to help you bear your burden as Galatians 6:2 tells us to. Let me help. Let Jesus help. He gave himself. Please accept His gift and please accept His help. How can I pray for you this Easter season?