So Much More To Be Thankful For Than To Complain About

It’s time to be thankful once again. Last Monday I ended on #46. This week I decided to share pictures of what I’m thankful for. Just trying to shake things up – cause that just how I am.

47 - One Half of My Clean Office

The Other Half of My Clean Office

48 - The Piano Our First Church Gave Me As A Gift When We Left - 15 Years Ago

50 - My Favorite Bible (NIV Life Application Study Bible)

51 - My Awesome Parents

52 - The Most Amazing Husband Ever

53 - A Son Who Doesn't Mind Singing To His Mom When She Is Down

54 - A Beautiful Daughter Who Always Makes Me Laugh (and sometimes makes me pull my hair out)

55 - Our Season Passes to Nashville Shores (lots of fun family time ahead this summer)

56 - Reminders From God That He Loves Us

There are so many times that I could get totally overwhelmed with how blessed I am. When I am overwhelmed with negative things in my life I need to stop and remember this list of 56 items I have created so far for Multitude Mondays. I need to realize that I have so much more to be thankful for than I have to complain about.


Is That Energy I Am Feeling? Really?

This week I continue the Multitudes Monday list of things I am grateful for. This is my 5th week of participating. The idea is to eventually reach 1000 gifts that you are thankful for. If you have missed the previous entries here they are so you can catch up:

A Multitude of Things I Am Thankful For – 5/2

Lists and Blessings – 5/11

A Multitude of Blessings – 5/16

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things – 5/23

And so this brings me to a new week of gratefulness. At first I thought it would be difficult to come up with 1000 things I am thankful for. But what I’ve found is that remaining in an attitude of gratefulness is not only easier than I thought it would be but it is emotionally and mentally healthy. Knowing that Monday is gonna roll around and I am gonna need to come up with something positive to share actually changes the way I look at each day prior. This week I really just have one thing that I am so very thankful for. My life until this point has been day after day of feeling fatigued and run down because of my Fibromyalgia.

41. AdvoCare – I started using their line of health products about 6 weeks ago thanks to my girlfriend, Tina, and have noticed a change in how I feel. I am not as exhausted as I have been previously. I decided to sign up as a distributor because I am seeing how much better it is helping me feel. I have much more energy just from the one product I’ve been using consistently, AdvoCare Spark Energy Drink. It is just overflowing with vitamins and it is making all the difference in the world!

AdvoCare Spark Energy Drink

This past weekend I started the Herbal 10 Day Cleanse. I’m still in the process of that one. I haven’t added in the exercise like I’m supposed to yet though. That’s on my list for today. You know how hard it is to get up off your duff and do something? Yeah, that’s me! I have the energy to do it but I’m just not using the energy to do exactly THAT yet. HAHAHA That’s sooooo ME!

10 Day Herbal Cleanse

This week I am planning on getting Lauren the ZZZ Product to help with sleeping. She has such a hard time sleeping. She takes Benadryl when she needs it but I hate the idea of her taking something OTC at her age to help her sleep. The AdvoCare sleeping product is all natural herbs and much healthier. It contains Melatonin, valerian extract, hops extract, chamomile extract, passionflower extract, white willow extract, vitamin B-6, zinc – all natural herbs. Some of them are even products/teas that a health food store would recommend. And it’s all in one product. I feel very confident about her using this.


At this point – these items are what I am most thankful for. Feeling better and having more energy are important things in our home. I’m grateful that God brought AdvoCare into our lives. I’m confident that they are safe, natural and will help us live a better quality of life.

If you look in the left sidebar of my blog here you will see the AdvoCare logo. If you click on that logo it will take you to my business website where you can explore not only the products I mentioned here but many more products that can help you as well. If I can answer any questions you might have please ask and I will do my very best.

42. I am especially grateful for the beautiful sunny days we have been having lately.

43. We have incredible neighbors who we love being with and socializing with. Friday night we had our great Annual Summer Cather Ct. Cookout. We all got together in the street, cooked out and had a bonfire (in a patio fire pit). We laughed, talked, bonded and had a great time while all the kids played. So much fun!

44. We have a terrific year ahead. Yes it’s summer right now but we have been working on planning the next year – the kids final year at home with us. It’s gonna be so much fun. I’m grateful that we are all close and enjoy being together as a family.

45. I’m grateful for the summer being upon us. We bought season passes for Nashville Shores – a water park here in town. I anticipate a ton of laughs and fun ahead.

46. Since I began today’s list of gratefulness with AdvoCare I thought I would end it with AdvoCare. I’m thankful that I am anticipating all the fun we are adding to our calendars and that I will actually be able to participate in all of that fun because i am feeling better thanks to AdvoCare.

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

28. Singing Birds
29. Kissing dogs
30. Books that make me cry
31. Movies that make me laugh
32. A clean house
33. The TV to myself
34. 70 and sunny
35. New episodes of my fav TV shows
36. Prices that are less than I’m expecting
37. Freshly colored hair
38. A book I can’t put down
39. A friend who you don’t have to say anything to
40. Bright red flowers

Some of my favorite things to add to my list of One Thousand Gifts for Multitude Mondays. Come link up yours.

Lists and Blessings

Since I was completely out of it for the last two days I thought I would combine my Multitudes on Monday (One Thousand Gifts) list with my Top Ten Tuesday entry from yesterday. So here are 10 things that I am thankful for this week!

11. Ambien! After being without it for 2 nights in a row I realize how much it truly helps me.

12. The visit with my parents this weekend. They came down for Mother’s Day weekend. We didn’t get to do everything I had on the list to do. But it was so wonderful to be with my mom for the first time in 17 years on Mother’s Day.

13. My dad’s healing. After 18 months of unsurety if he was gonna live or die I will be forever grateful for the Lord’s healing touch on his body. Cancer doesn’t always win. Sometimes Cancer Is A Loser! In my dad’s case cancer is a loser.

14. My new mother’s day gift – an HD Digital Camera. It is amazing and the pictures are incredible. It’s gonna add so much to our computer collection of family pictures!

15. The success my children are having in school. After the school roller coaster we have been on for the last 12 years we are so thankful that they are finishing up at a school that is improving every day. Lauren received an award this past week for getting the highest grade in one of her classes. The story of why we are thankful for that is a long one. So let’s just suffice it to say we were not expecting it and it was a wonderful surprise.

16. This blog! I have a lot of themes that I write about. I don’t always focus on the same thing. I enjoy the variety. I enjoy hearing from my readers. God has blessed me by giving me a sounding board and new friends to discuss matters with.

17. The glory of spring! I got new flowers over the weekend. They are so beautiful. The brilliant sunshine this week has brought out their color so perfectly. Warm weather is a wonderful blessing after such a cold and snowy winter.

18. The financial provision God has blessed us with for the kids’ to have such a full and exciting summer. The summers in our house have never been days when the kids have had a chance to sit around and complain about being bored. We have made sure that the summer activities they have done have been events where their lives have been enriched spiritually. God has provided for all of that. We are excited about summer around here.

19. The laughter of my children. We don’t always hear it every day but it is such a blessing when we do.

20. How special Ron and the kids made Mother’s Day for me. It was a day full of family and blessings. God is good!

A Multitude Of Things I Am Thankful For

As is typical for me, I am a day late and a dollar short. However, I have been seeing various blogs with entries each Monday of things for which they are grateful. This blog hop appears to be based on the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp. Her blog, A Holy Experience, is very moving and the idea is quite compelling. Therefore I will be joining in each Monday by sharing gifts from the Lord that I am thankful for – ultimately leading up to sharing 1000 gifts.

Others have been sharing for a long time now. But I am just beginning so here is the start of my 1000 gifts from God:

1. A most incredibly sensitive, gentle, loyal and faithful husband in Ron

2. A miracle child who has turned into a handsome, smart and talented your man – Michael

3. A gorgeous, quick witted, independent and loyal daughter in Lauren

4. The glorious gift from a loving and faithful Savior – my eternal Salvation

5. The gift of being raised in a Christian home with parents who love the Lord and each other to this very day

6. The protection of the ever present Spirit that lives within me

7. The years we spent homeschooling Michael and Lauren so that they were given a strong foundation in Christ

8. The way God has financially provided for our family all these years that we have remained a single income family so I could be a stay at home mom

9. The comfort of the Word of God that is ever at my fingertips

10. A roof over our heads, trustworthy vehicles and a kitchen full of food

I can see that this challenge will be a blessing. Just sitting here thinking of things I can  be thankful for has softened my heart already. I am gonna get out my grateful journal I’ve had for years and start writing in it again. Sometimes we just need a reminder that we have so much to be thankful for.

I pray you will visit Ann’s site and be encouraged by it and perhaps join in the challenge Multitudes on Mondays.