Perfection Can Last An Entire Day

Yesterday was Easter Sunday! And I think it was just a perfect day. I made it to church with my family. That doesn’t happen very often but this weekend it did. I am so grateful that it did too. I was proud to walk in and sit with them all by my side.

Together for Easter

Well I should add that as soon as Lauren saw her bestie, Amelia, she got up and went to sit with her. But I had them all with me for about 5 minutes.

My Sweeties

I will admit that I had to tell them to act like they liked each other for this picture. Why do kids do that? I just hold on to the hope that one day they will be the best of buds again like when they were little. I haven’t seen it for a long time. But I can have hope!

Me and my man

He’s kind of a cutie! He makes me look good. I keep him around for that reason.

After church we went to dinner at our friends’, Phil and Jeanie’s, house. We had a great meal and a great time! I’d like to go back for leftovers for lunch.

The day was just perfect all the way around. The service was beautiful. The music was amazing! God was there in our midst and everyone was freely worshiping – including me. If there’s anything I love more than worshiping the Lord I haven’t come across it yet. It was a glorious day to celebration the resurrection of Jesus!

My Perfect Moment Monday entry for this week was an entire day! Beautiful, fun and perfect! You should jump over to Lori’s blog and share yours with us all.

How Can I Pray For You?

While reading Tweets and blogs each day I come upon a lot of hurting people. When my friends hurt, I hurt. People all around us carry burdens and secret hurt. Most feel totally alone and can see no way through their pain. I feel a burden to help them. I feel a burden to tell them what Jesus can do for them. This is Easter weekend. I would like to offer my prayers to anyone who has a need. It may be for you. It may be for a family member who is hurting. It may be for a friend who is hurting. Please leave me a comment and tell me how I can pray for you right now. You may be carrying a heavy burden for someone who needs the peace of Christ in their life and you are hoping that this Easter they will find that. You may be wandering lost and searching for peace. Jesus hears us and answers us. He sacrificed immensely for us.

I want to help you bear your burden as Galatians 6:2 tells us to. Let me help. Let Jesus help. He gave himself. Please accept His gift and please accept His help. How can I pray for you this Easter season?

Father Forgive Them……

Today’s message at church was very good. There was one point that especially struck me and I instantly thought about sharing it with you. Our pastor, Robert J. Morgan, preached on the Seven Last Words of Christ. He used each of the seven phrases that are recorded in the gospels and expounded on them relating them to our lives today. Just for your information he is a very well known author and contributor to some 40 books and does a lot of ghost writing for a number of well known men of God such as Dr. David Jeremiah. We are a blessed group at The Donelson Fellowship to have had him as our pastor for the last 31 years.

Ok, enough of bragging about my pastor. Sorry about that. But if you have an awesome church and an awesome pastor then you probably like to brag too, don’t ya?! Ok on with the real point of my blog.

I’m not gonna share the entire sermon because you can hear that for yourself on our website (click on the link in the first paragraph) but just wanted to share one special point that spoke to me. It was in the first point actually. Since today is Palm Sunday the message was about words that Jesus spoke from the cross, yes I realize I already said that. If you have a church background then you will recognize the statement found in Luke 23:34. It says “Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Have you seen the movie The Passion of the Christ? I hope that you will consider watching it this week as it is the Easter season. Just thinking of my Savior hanging naked on a cross in order to assure my ability to go to Heaven is mind altering. But then to think of the abuse that had been thrown at Him for the time previous to even reaching the cross and then the abuse and pain He experienced ON the cross amazes me that He could ask God to forgive them and not instruct God to reign down punishment and strike them all dead. That is where the humanity part of Christ would have come in. But the God part of Christ knew that this very event was His purpose for coming to earth. Jesus asked God to forgive them. I would imagine there is someone in your life that you have had to forgive or perhaps still NEED to forgive for some wrong they have done against you. Could it be as great as what Jesus went through on the cross just so that one day we can experience the paradise of Heaven? Forgiveness seems a bit less daunting when you think of it in that light.

But you know what – that isn’t even the part that struck me the most. Yes, it is very moving and thought provoking and convicting. However, there is a simple word in that part of the verse that I shared above. It’s probably not even the word you would pick out if you were teaching that verse. But Pastor Rob is so brilliant at looking at the small words and searching them out to make the scripture even deeper and more meaningful. Look at the verse again – “Jesus said, Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing”. The amazing part to me is what he had to say about the simple word SAID. He looked it up in the Greek (the original language of the New Testament). The form of the word said is used in the CONTINUOUS SENSE. That means that He was in a constant state of seeking forgiveness for those who mistreated Him as they put Him to death in such a violent and vicious way. If you ask me – that takes forgiveness to a whole new level. A continuous state of forgiveness. Can you imagine? Each strike of the cat of nine tails – Father forgive them. Each spit – Father forgive them. Each curse word – Father forgive them. Each strike of the hammer – Father forgive them. Each poke of a sword – Father forgive them. Each dying breath – Father forgive them.

Why did He do that? Simply so that we can accept His great gift of love and sacrifice to cover our sins and offer us forgiveness as well. Love is the reason! And salvation is the gift! Heaven is the reward!