Exercise Regimen – Do Tell!!

Does anyone else work out regularly? What do you do? Share with us what you do. We might pick up on something new that could add to our workouts. We can all benefit from sharing with each other.

I’m a bad girl – I don’t do any cardio consistently. I walk if I am in the mood. I do a mile or two on the bike at the gym if I’m early for my training session. When Stephanie (my trainer) gets ahold of me we work on my arms, upper back, thighs and abs. She mixes it up. Yesterday she added one of those resistance bands. Does anyone have any of those? OH my goodness, it nearly killed me. But I felt like I got more of a workout with that band than I have with anything else. I need to get one of those.

I do a lot of stretching at home. I feel like a lot of the stretches that I do are yoga moves. I’ve been interested in checking out Yoga for a long time now. So the other day I was at the used bookstore (McKays) and found a beginners DVD for Yoga. So, I bought it. I haven’t used it yet. I’m waiting till noone else is home but me because I know I’m gonna look like a fool. So, I’m thinking I will start it when the kids go back to school. Does anyone else do Yoga? Stephanie said I would like Pilates. Does anyone do that? How is it different from Yoga?