Too Much Happiness….Is There Such A Thing?

So many perfect moments today to pick from. Lauren and I had a lot of fun times getting ready for prom Saturday night. Prom was fabulous! The kids looked so beautiful. They all truly took my breath away. Once we got them off for their evening Ron and I had a Prom Date night at The Melting Pot. And then last night we got news that Osama Bin Laden has been killed. All such perfect moments!! I can’t choose just one. So, I’m gonna make the entire weekend a Perfect Moment!

Lauren and I had a wonderful time together at the salon letting our girl, Angie, do her hair and makeup for their big night. Watching the transformation before us was a beautiful thing. It was like watching Lauren become a girl right before my eyes. HA! She is a tomboy and would rather be playing the guys in soccer in the mud than wear a dress and go to a dance.

Before Shot


And Michael cleaned up perfectly as well. We all went to Centennial Park (with every other student going to a prom that night) for prom pictures. Here are Michael and Lauren with their dates. They looked beautiful. They were all so nervous it was adorable.

Michael, Hannah, Lauren and Alex

Once we finished with pictures, Ron and I thought we deserved a nice night out to celebrate as well. Prom ain’t cheap for ONE kid – not to mention we had TWO!! So, we had a gift card from Ron’s Randall House board for Christmas last year to The Melting Pot. TMP is our “go to” date spot for very special occasions. We told our waitress what we were celebrating because Ron had delivered some roses for me. So she wrote on our ticket “Happy Prom Night”. So cute!

Sorry for the glare! It came in a frame. But you get the idea!

The evening ended beautifully for everyone. No troubles. Just good clean fun all around.

Then last night Ron and I were watching Celebrity Apprentice when they broke into the show to tell us that it had been verified that Osama Bin Laden had been killed and we (America) had his body.

He's Dead!!

So a perfect weekend indeed! I look forward to jumping over to Lori’s blog and seeing what other Perfect Moment Monday moments are linked up. So much to be happy about.