The Happiest Perfectest Sweetest 16 Partiest Ever

Better late than never! My Finding the Happy AND Perfect Moment Monday entry today is getting posted late because we were without electricity for 6 hours today. So, obviously, I wasn’t able to post this earlier.

This weekend was our daughter’s 16th birthday.  Her party was Saturday night. We all had such a great time. I have a trillion pictures to share. But I will try to control myself and only share a few for this entry. I have been so sick for a week. I was worried I wasn’t gonna be able to make it to the party Saturday but I made it after all. I don’t know how many people I infected but how is it possible to have a daughter’s 16th birthday party without the mother? Not possible! And I’m pretty sure I had a fever most of the night. But I was there.

The evening started at my husband’s office. He is a publisher so there is a lot of warehouse space. He had set up a games tournament. There was ping pong, bumper pool and carpet ball. We had also set up a painting area for her friends to paint a canvas for her. After the games tournament was over we headed to a local eatery for dinner and cake. From the restaurant we went on a city wide scavenger hunt. We had 3 adult drivers. There were 4 teens in each car. We all had the same list of things we had to find around town and meet back at the office at a certain time. Each team earned points for each picture they got. Whoever earned the most points won the hunt.

And here are some of the fun pictures to show you what a great time we had.

Working on the canvas

Some of the boys playing carpet ball

One of the items on the scavenger hunt was to get a picture of a team member on a riding lawnmower. Found one at Walmart.

Even Mama got involved in the games.

The birthday girl with her cake

Michael had a great time!

Another item on the scavenger hunt was to get a picture of the team on a slide.

The whole gang

Our table at the Pied Piper Eatery

The finished canvas

If you have a Perfect Moment or a Finding the Happy picture to share follow the links to the host blogs and share them. Mine were PERFECT this week.  NO DOUBT!!!

10 thoughts on “The Happiest Perfectest Sweetest 16 Partiest Ever

  1. I am here from the Perfect Moment Monday links on Lori’s blog. I shared one for the first time today and am really enjoying following the blog trail now…

    What an awesome 16th birthday party to give your daughter and her friends! That sounds like so much fun, especially the Scavenger Hunt! I participated in a few of those when I was in a high school faith based youth group and had a blast! Thank you for sharing your perfect moment! You daughter is blessed and lucky to have such fun and creative parents! 🙂

    • Kathy, thank you so much! I must admit that I wasn’t really looking forward to the scavenger hunt beforehand. But afterwards I thought it was the greatest party activity I’ve taken part in in my 43 years. It was so fun!

      Going to check out your blog now.


  2. Looks like everyone had a great time – I’m glad you survived, being sick and all! Did your daughter know about the canvas before the party? Love it!

    I don’t know what bumper pool and carpet ball are, so I’ll have to look those up!

    • Check those games out online. They are really kind of fun. Ron had been talking about carpet ball for a long time and I didn’t know what it was until the night of the party either. And I knew what bumper pool was but had never played it until that night. I’m just a party animal. LOL

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