A Week Off

Yes, I have taken the week off.  My blog has been neglected for a week.  I just wasn’t feeling so hot.  So, some things have to just go by the wayside when I’m having a bad day.  In this case it was my poor blog.  I have a lot of changes that need to be made.  I have an entry to write about our week.  I have missed all of my memes for this week.  But rest assured, tomorrow starts a new week.  Things will be back to normal.

Sorry for the absence.  When I’m gone for a long time it usually means I’m not feeling well.  Sigghhhhhhh  The story of my life……………..

One thought on “A Week Off

  1. I had a feeling that was why you weren't blogging, so every time I came and didn't see any action, I said an extra prayer for your aches and pains! =) I like the red door that you added!

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